Thursday, April 30, 2009

It is spring!!!

Yep, it is spring and starting to bloom!

It's a miracle! The wind and flying dirt did not destroy most of our plants. We only lost a tree and 2 honeysuckles in the planters...I am happy! Still need to keep vaccuming out the some of the plants but we are getting there. The weeds are also poping out every where! My sumac "sticks" are starting to give me hope in becoming bushes...
Even the lilic bushes are surviving!

1 comment:

Jordan said...

That dang Jo City wind! We do NOT miss that at all! Glad to see your plants are coming to life... considering the amount of dust they were covered by! Hope you guys are doing well! We're excited to see Larry and Jess at the end of June! It will be a lot of fun!