Ok, I am back from a 9 day trip.
I drove to Larry & Linda's on Tuesday morning, the 11th of March. Stopped at Walmart on the way down for a larger suitcase with rollers and handle to keep my luggage to one piece. I had lunch, watched Donny & Marie with Oprah, and played cards with Linda's friends, Sheryl and Carol...and laughed a lot. That evening Larry helped me with my photography and we printed some of my "works." I really am enjoying it.
We left early...4:30 am to the airport, Larry dropped us off. United Miles Plus...does not give a direct flight to SLC, so we spent 3+ hours in San Francisco. After a brunch and people watching, we found 2 really great massage chairs and tried them out...they were nearly $4,000.00 each. After being completely worked over we meandered to the red carpet "loading gate." It is interesting they have the red carpet for first class...but we all walked on it.
The flights were a bit bumpy but we managed to sleep thru the beverage cart and did not get our free juice...both times!
We arrived in SLC and our luggage was the first out of the shoot...Jean was soon there to pick us up and we went to her place for a great dinner that the Jones prepared. SLC is really just a bunch of freeways...no kidding! We visited with the Jones for a while and then took Linda to her sister, Carol's place on the other side of SLC.
Thursday morning the three of us went to the SLC temple (rainy when we arrived), had lunch, and then toured the old neighborhood...that was a hoot!!! Followed by a very large ice cream cone, reminiscing our youth (which has since gone bad!). Jean took Linda back to her sister's...I had seen enough freeways!!
Then the attack!! We started on the columns of boxes to be unpacked! I nearly wiped out my sister...but we got a lot done. Never enough, but ya gotta stop somewhere. Jean has pictures on the wall and her cute little glass show case...I never can remember what it is called, let alone spell it...displayed and the nick-knacks displayed. She has to finish getting the other book case in and 4 boxes of books from behind the chair.
It snowed and melted and snowed and melted and snow flurries thru Sunday. Monday was beautiful. I am posting some of the pictures I took.
It was fun getting to know Pam & Allen and the boys! They are a great bunch and lots of talents and fun.
Saturday morning Jean & I went to a Stake Choir practice and it made me dust off some cobwebs! It was a great experience to sing with so many talented musicians! I loved singing with them. We practiced again Sunday evening just before the performance, an Easter Fireside. It was even more fun singing next to my sister!!! I even hit the high notes! (I told you I had to dust of a lot of cobwebs)
Jean substituted for the ward choir director for choir practice and it was my first experience with her as a director...that was great too. It was Ward Conference and the youth sang.
Sadly, Monday was our good-byes to Jean and the Jones'. We did have a wonderful private concert before we left...Pam's amazing on her grand piano...so inspiring! How she loves her music and then Jean sang with Pam accompanying. I just don’t get any better than that!!!
Carol took Linda and me to Park City...a lot different than when I went there to Beehive camp at age 11 7/8. We met Kari Culp(Linda's niece) there and had a great lunch, touring and site seeing. I enjoyed the Robert Duncan Gallery, but didn’t purchase the $23,000 painting I really liked. The Barn which was full of accents, metal art, jewelry, crafts, farm wheel furniture, etc. and I found the address numbers for my house, yeah! We had the famous homemade brownies from the gas station…another story in itself. Took pictures of a farm I considered buying for Virgil…not. Found a beautiful ice sculpture. It was a great day. Went Carol’s house, relaxed and ate Chinese. The next morning it was flying home. From SLC to San Francisco, the plane was really little, but the ride was smooth…so was the second flight…and we did stay awake for the beverage carts!! Sprite and Cranberry mix.
Larry picked us up and dropped me off to Rick and Jami’s. I had fun with the girls and cuddling Dalton. I especially enjoyed visiting with Rick & Jami and JC. (He came over for a while.) The next day, home sweet home!!
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